The other week I was asked a question that I have been asked many times before: what is the most disruptive innovation society will face. I was busy at the time so I threw out the first thing that popped in to my head – AI. I forgot about the conversation and carried on with whatever I was doing at the time. It wasn’t till a week later that I started reflecting on the question again as I came across first the news that the US Government has banned electronic devices from certain airlines and then that the Australian government is proposing to create separate lanes for autonomous vehicles.

While neither of these instances are particularly innovative, they do have the potential to be disruptive – especially if there is a direct impact to an industry or a way of life. The ban of electronic items on planes means nothing to the airlines themselves, but has an impact on the local industries who supply those items (the flip side, of course, is that book sales will likely increase). In the case of the dedicated lane for autonomous cars, this is only great if you own one – but what if you’re stuck in traffic in your self-drive vehicle while the autonomous lane flows freely. You’ll actually be worse off as there is now less lanes available but not less cars on the road.

Disruption is driven by need for convenience

The challenge is that we tend to look as disruption as a big bang concept – which is why I threw AI out as an answer. But we’ve been using AI for years (some would say decades) already. Anyone who has created a document in word will have been exposed to the spelling and grammar checkers – yes, they are relatively low level AI and we wouldn’t traditionally view them as such, but who owns a dictionary these days. What this shows is that disruption doesn’t have to be big bang, might not be recognisable to many of us, and it’s probably going to be driven out of the need for convenience.

Take 3D printers as an example: not many of us would see them as a disruption to our everyday lives. However, put yourself in the position of an artisan who makes a living out hand making the front left fender for a Series I Land Rover. You may be one of a handful of people who make this part and therefore have a substantial waiting list of customers who need it for a vehicle they are restoring. But the introduction of the 3D printer means they can print one themselves – and your demand has just been reduced. The reality is that the printer is not the disruptor – it’s the customers desire for speed to value.

Speed to value drives uptake

This desire for speed to value is evident across many industries throughout history – and especially during the industrial revolution. The introduction of devices such as the printing press and the Northrop loom meant unit output per hour could be increased significantly. To the printer or manufacturer, this was not disruption – this was industrialisation. But to the people who made their livelihood working in the relevant industries, this was a threat to their livelihood*. Fast forward to now and we can see many examples where technology has been adopted because it improves speed to value for a customer.

But who is the customer – it’s us. The simple fact is that our overall desire for speed to value leads industries to deliver newer, better, technology which will cause a disruption somewhere. Give me any example of technology that is considered to be disruptive, and I’m sure we’ll be able to find a desire to reach an outcome faster. Even the invention of the wheel was the result of human desire make something easier, and therefore faster.

So, what’s the answer to the question

The immediate response to the question “what is the next big disruption” should be “what perspective are you looking at it from?” because one person’s disruption is someone else’s speed to value.

*There is a counter argument here that this resulted in the creation of a whole new set of opportunities, from the manufacture of the loom through to its ongoing maintenance. But that would be the subject of a different article


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"One of Ant's strengths is relating to owners in a visionary sense and talking to people who are on the ground...[Ant has a] wide understanding of different systems, processes and applications and can articulate where we're going and what the possibilities are...working with Ant has changed the way we make decisions about IT structures and support systems."

Felicity Hopkins, Director - Research Review

We hired Ant to support us with an important project after he was highly recommended by colleagues. Ant was responsive, speedy, super-helpful and helped us to make key decisions. We appreciated his broad experience, and his ability to hold a high level strategic view alongside expert advice on details. We will definitely be consulting with Ant again and are happy to recommend him.

Gaynor Parkin, CEO at Umbrella Wellbeing

"We don’t need a full-time CTO [chief technology officer]. Ant knows enough about our business he can deliver it virtually. He can translate things for us. During project management, Ant came into his own... Ant gets his head round your business and [took his time] understanding our context. He was really clear about pausing on investment into the app...Ant's inquisitive, curious and approachable - he's very easy to work with."

Gus McIntosh, Chief Executive - Winsborough

"Ant was really quick to understand the business model and our processes and IT structures."

James Armstrong, Director - MediData

"Ant helped us at the early stages of Aerotruth helping us to plan our technical infrastructure and ensure we built a product that would scale. Ant was great to work with and we really valued his support and contribution to Aerotruth"

Bryce Currie, Co-Founder & Chief Commercial Officer - Aerotruth

"No question has ever been too silly. Ant's been accommodating and helped me understand. I've valued that he understands the charitable sector really well. He can look through the experience that he has with larger organisations and what's the reality for a small and mighty charity where you don't have teams of people that can come in and project manage an IT project"

Nicola Keen-Biggelar, Chief Executive Drowning Prevention Auckland

"Having Anthony was really valuable – to lean in on his skillset – and his connections. He was able to provide impartial advice about the different strengths [of the providers]. It was important that we undertook a good due diligence process. Having Anthony there meant we had impartial selection as well, which is very important to us and [something] other not-for-profits [could benefit from]."

Rose Hiha-Agnew, Program Director - Community Governance